Removal / Deletion of Your Arrest Record History
from Private Company
Background Check Databases
– Pass Your Background Check –
– Don’t Live In Fear! –
– Protect Your Livelihood! –
– Remove Third-Party Arrest History from an Arrest that Occurred in Any State! –
What Are 3rd Party Arrest History Databases?
Private companies such as Accurint, Choicepoint, LexisNexis, and Intelius, maintain private databases containing arrest and criminal histories from all 50 states. Sealing or Expunging your arrest history does not remove this information from private company databases.
How Do These Companies Obtain My Arrest History?
Quite simply, they purchase it. For example, if someone is arrested on January 1st, and his case is dismissed on June 30th and sealed the same day, there is a six (6) month window where the arrest history is maintained in the courthouse database and the Department of Law Enforcement in the applicable state. Private companies purchase this information (legally), and maintain their own database to perform background checks / employment screenings for a fee.
Thus, sealing or expunging your arrest record DOES NOT remove your arrest / criminal history from these private databases.
How do third-party arrest record databases affect me?
If you apply for a job, or your present employer performs a background check on you, they will often perform a two-step background check, which works as follows:
1. Search the Police Records / Courthouse Records in your state; and
2. Search private third-party background check databases for any criminal history.
Thus, a sealed or expunged criminal record is no guarantee of passing a criminal history background check.
We Can Help!
If you have had your arrest history sealed or expunged in your state, we provide a money back guarantee that we can remove your arrest history from the largest independent third-party background check databases in the United States.
Does it Matter What State I was Arrested In?
ABSOLUTELY NOT! If you have an order sealing or expunging your arrest record in any state, we can help!
What If My Record Was Never Sealed or Cannot Be Sealed? Is There Any Hope???
YES! We can also help remove both arrests and convictions from independent third-party background check databases. Special Conditions Apply, and each case must be evaluated on a case by case basis.
Please contact us for a free consultation.
How much will this cost me?
My office charges $725.00 to remove arrest indicia from third-party databases.
How will this help me?
Once your Arrest / Conviction information is deleted from third-party background check databases, you stand a much greater chance of passing a background check and either keeping or obtaining a new job.
This is an important investment in your financial future.
Are you available for consultation on weekends?
Yes! Please either leave us an email or a voicemail, and we will contact you at a convenient time to discuss your personal situation.
Contact Us Now!
Remove My Arrest – Expungement and Reputation Management
Expungement lawyer: Get your arrest records expunged